What is MEP ?

MEP stands for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing engineering. These three technical disciplines encompass the systems that make building interior suitable for human occupancy. MEP installations are addressed together in construction due to the high degree of interaction between them, and also to avoid conflicts in equipment locations - a common problem when Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing systems are designed in isolation.

Working with qualified MEP Engineering companies and experienced professionals brings many advantages. Installation costs are reduced by optimizing material requirements, while achieving high performance. This is very valuable in present life, where building ownership costs are very high and construction technics are very demanding.

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HVAC (Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning system)

Mechanical is composed of HVAC and Fire Fighting.

The main purpose of an HVAC system is more than just warming or cooling a space. Instead, it serves to improve the indoor air quality and provide comfort for everyone inside a building. Now a days there are several different types of HVAC systems, they all focus with the same essentials.


First, there is a source of fresh air intake from outside or from within the home. This process is called ventilation, and it happens in two different ways. 

·         Natural ventilation
·         Mechanical ventilation. 

Natural ventilation is is present in most homes and refers to the way air typically moves in and out through windows, doors, vents, and other openings. This exchange of air is necessary to replenish oxygen, and to remove odors, carbon dioxide, unpleasant odors, and excessive moisture.

Mechanical ventilation uses a mechanical system to move air in and out. Modern construction is creating homes that are far more tightly sealed, so ventilation is becoming an increasingly important component in home HVAC systems. Once the air is brought in, it is drawn into an air handling unit where the work begins. Here, air is drawn through filters to remove dust and serve directly to the area or by using ducts. Air is either sent to be heated or sent to be cooled and have excess humidity removed.

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